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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • My New Face Shape is the Source of My Happiness!
  • 2023-09-07 hit.14,955
  • Writer : Yoon******


Why I Got Double Jaw and Facial Bone Contouring Surgery

Two years ago, I had a genioplasty at a university hospital. I wanted to get V-Line Surgery along with a revision genioplasty, so I started looking for V-Line Surgery Centers. Up until this point, I thought I had a healthy bite and healthy teeth, as they didn’t interfere with my daily life, but after my consultation here, I learned that my bite was actually out of alignment. I had no intentions of undergoing double jaw surgery, but after my consultation with Dr. Kim, I realized that double jaw surgery could help me attain many things, including my ideal face shape. I also had to receive orthodontic treatment in addition to Double Jaw Surgery, V-Line Surgery, and a revision genioplasty. 

What I Looked For in a Surgery Center

I started making a list of potential surgery centers based on their reviews on plastic surgery apps, as I had already made up my mind to undergo a revision genioplasty some time ago.” It turns out EU is a top 3 surgery center, according to recommendation posts asking “Is this clinic okay?” Surgery reviews on the EU website also felt trustworthy, and I really liked the surgical results. Although I took two days to contemplate my decision, I recall just going to EU, having the consultation, and booking the surgery within a week. 

My Concerns 

My bite never gave me any discomfort in my daily life, but I had a long face and a mild case of a lantern jaw that bothered me. There were instances where I was unable to make eye contact with others because I was too busy covering my face. I decided to get surgery because I wanted to live my one and only life with confidence and a prettier face.

Why I Chose EU 

EU felt credible and trustworthy, as I could look at surgery reviews from real patients on the EU website and on various apps and see that they were very satisfied with the changes after surgery. During the in-person consultation, Dr. Kim examined me thoroughly and gave me a detailed explanation of the surgeries that I needed. Also, the consultant and the rest of the staff were really friendly, which helped put my mind at ease. EU’s facilities were really nice and clean as well.

Day of the Surgery

Operation Date: November 26th

It was super cold once I was out of the operating room. I found it difficult to breathe as well. The nurses wrapped me tightly in blankets with a heating pad inside. They also told me that I couldn’t sleep for more than 4 hours, but I didn’t have a guardian with me, so I remember falling asleep continuously… When it was okay for me to drink water, the nasal cannula made it hard to breathe, and my throat hurt so much that I had difficulty drinking water. Although it was hard to do so, I made an effort to drink water and Nucare because I felt that I had to hydrate if I wanted to breathe properly and swallow my saliva. I wanted to get some sleep at this point, but I kept bleeding from my eyes, nose, and mouth, so I couldn’t sleep very well.

1 Day Post-Op 

I had trouble sleeping until the early morning, but the nurses cared for me throughout the night: checking my blood pressure, giving me antibiotics and medicine to reduce the swelling in my IV, and asking me if I was uncomfortable. In the morning, I had the deswelling laser treatment and drank some Nucare. My nasal cannula was also removed before my consultation today. This made me so happy! When I returned to my room after the consultation, I thought to myself, “This is what it’s like? Where is my surgical site?” Aside from some occasional throbbing, I’m not experiencing reduced sensations in my mouth. This was the biggest concern for me, so this was the first thing I made sure of after waking up. During lunch, I watched a lot of TV, drank a lot of electrolyte beverages, and slept a lot. I really slept a lot.

2 Days Post-Op 

The male nurse who came in to check on me every morning was the friendliest! All the nurses took care of me very well, but his soothing voice on top of his attentiveness was particularly memorable. Today is my discharge day. I worried a ton over whether I would be okay at home, but I had such a good night’s sleep and my throat didn’t hurt at all. I only had a little bit of discomfort, if any, from the wafer. Perhaps it’s because I made sure to drink fluids and apply the ice pack frequently, but I didn’t experience a lot of swelling either, so I felt really happy about that as well. I had the deswelling laser and got the prescription for my medications filled before heading home.

3 Days Post-Op 

I finally took the tape off and took a shower early this morning. It feels early to resume working, but I typically had work in the mornings. My work isn’t physically taxing, so I went to work today. I don’t know if I’m a unique case or if my surgery went especially well, but there’s no discomfort aside from some mild ear fullness and lightheadedness. I’m also trying not to speak as much as possible. 

4 Days Post-Op 

I’m having a hard time staying asleep. Maybe it’s because my bed at home isn’t as comfortable as the one at EU, but my shoulders feel stiff, my hip hurts, and I’m more congested all of a sudden. I’ve been tired, and I look more swollen and puffy compared to yesterday.

5 Days Post-Op 

I’ve only been eating soup lately, but I had really thin porridge today. It was not worth eating flavor-wise, so I mixed it into a soup that I enjoy eating, lol. While I was walking around at night, my wafer popped out. It shocked me a bit, but I was able to put it back into place with my tongue.  

6 Days Post-Op 

Whether it’s because I’m still undernourished or the skin inside my mouth is broken, I have no desire to eat. I squeezed out some pumpkin porridge from a pouch, but it was the worst when it got stuck in my cheeks. 

7 Days Post-Op 

I went to the clinic for a follow-up visit today. There is still some swelling left, and the bruising went down to my neck. Dr. Kim thinks my current state is similar to someone who underwent surgery a month ago, and that I don’t need to take more medications than what I’ve been prescribed. I think I bounce back quickly. As for speaking, I try not to overdo it, but my pronunciation is understandable. I try to relax my mouth, and I can curl my lip corners up without them feeling stiff. I thought I was only coming in for the surgical site disinfection, but the screws in my gums will be used to hold the elastics that will stabilize my bite. I learned how to put the elastics on and take them off, and once I got the hang of it, I was able to realize their importance. Also, they didn't hurt! 

10 Days Post-Op 

2 Weeks Post-Op 

I’ve only been to the clinic twice after my surgery and I think my swelling went down relatively quickly. Everyone was surprised by how quickly I’ve been recovering. The swelling went down quickly in my opinion, too. I didn’t have any major discomfort right after the surgery except for being unable to chew. I’m really happy every time I look in the mirror, compared to when I look at my pre-surgery photos.

The swelling has gone down considerably, and the bruising that went down to my neck is hardly noticeable. I weigh 7 kg less than I did before, and I’m trying to maintain this weight loss, lol. Not being able to eat what I want to has been the most difficult part so far. It has been such a struggle, and all I could do was sigh. I went to the clinic to get my stitches removed in the afternoon, and I was able to hear good news today as well: they haven’t seen anyone whose swelling went down so quickly! I should and I’ll continue to take good care of myself :) Supposedly, it’s extremely painful when the stitches are removed, and it hurt a lot when the stitches in the center of my upper and lower jaw were removed :( Aside from those two places, it was fine!

22 Days Post-Op 

It’s been 22 days since my surgery, and the bruising is completely gone. I’m sleeping well, and I’m able to eat soft foods such as steamed eggs. I’m also able to have ramen by smashing it up. Next week is my one-month follow-up visit. Regarding my satisfaction with the surgery, I took out my phone as soon as I got out of the operating room because I was curious about how I looked. At that moment, I thought, “Wow, my face is much smaller and slimmer.” I was very satisfied right after the surgery because the difference was noticeable, but I’m actually more content as the days go by. My confidence has gone up as well, so I’m really happy about that, too. 

78 Days Post-Op 

Today marks 78 days since my surgery, so I’m here with my update! I started orthodontic treatment a few days ago!! Time has gone by really quickly, and I’ve been extremely satisfied with the results of the surgery during this time. I have not been experiencing any side effects, and I am living a life full of confidence. As mentioned previously, I started orthodontic treatment a few days ago, and I was worrying over whether it would hurt… It was harder on me than double jaw surgery. Now that I have my ideal face shape, I’m starting to want to get other cosmetic surgeries :( I don’t think there is an end to greed. Cosmetic facial bone contouring surgery was something I had deliberated for years, and now that I’ve done it, I am living my life overflowing with confidence!  

203 Days Post-Op 

June 15th marks 203 days since my surgery!! First, my self-esteem has gotten much higher, so I’ve started wearing makeup, and I am trying to look my best as much as possible.

I have been asking myself why I didn’t get my surgery earlier, as I could have been more satisfied with my life earlier on. Even though image filter applications have gotten much better, they don’t affect your face shape. My friends have been asking me if I had fillers lately, saying that my jaw is as pretty as a jaw with filler injected into it. I was over the moon when I heard that, lol. I’m also being told that I look younger. As for the nerve sensations that everyone asks about… There have been no issues. The surgery was a huge success. I’m living my life happily because I have the face shape I have been longing for!

250 Days Post-Op 

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